Statement / Prehlásenie
The Cult of Fire was set ablaze in the year 2010, but the idea to create this
band by me and Coroner is of a much older date. Later also Devilish was invited
to join us for the invocations of death and fire. Thus the Cult of fire could
rise… The first EP 20:11 was inspired by the catastrophe in Chernobyl, which
has always fascinated us. That's why the EP was released exactly on the 25th
anniversary of this tragedy. The plague started to spread throughout
the world…
Triumvirat was another natural result in the depths within me, just as the
logo and band image change that followed. The album is quite varied, because it
represents every member of the band in his individual essence and expresses
certain elements from each of us. All of this is now in the past and another
flame starts to burn beneath a corpse in the far south…
मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान is for me
the most complex and deepest work of art that we have to date created. It's a
homage to the Goddess Kali, the Aghoris, the funeral rites in India and its
close surroundings. The approach of these people to certain aspects of life and
religion itself is fascinating. During the composition of this album I was
constantly thinking, dreaming, meditating, brought myself almost to a frenzy
state, watched documentaries, read books, met people who visited this country,
studied, listened to the mantras and tried to spiritually penetrate into this
religion. My thoughts and spiritual revelations are being enhanced by the
atmosphere of strong Opium, many other kinds of scents, tastes and the
surrounding of myself with hinduistic relics allowed me to enter and soak in
this atmosphere and create by that the music and the whole concept of this work
of art, which will affect also the logo and band image.
A great thanks goes to David Glomba for the spiritual depiction of the
graphics for this artwork and also the logo, to Jan Pavlas for the awesome
lyrics and to भैरव for the translations and consultations concerning
Cult of Fire will give no more interviews, because with this declaration all
that needed to be has been said.
Infernalvlad and Cult Of Fire.
Cult Of Fire bol zapálený v roku 2010, ale myšlienka vzniku kapely
u mňa a u Coronera pretrvávala už dlhšiu dobu. Neskôr bol prizvaný
k invokácii smrti a ohňa Devilish. Kult ohňa mohol vzplanúť…
Prvé EP 20:11 bolo inšpirované katastrofou v Černobyle, ktorá nás
vždy fascinovala. EP preto vyšlo presne na 25. výročie tejto tragédie.
Nákaza sa začala širiť svetom…
Triumvirát bol ďalším prirodzeným výsledkom hlbín mojho vnútra,
rovnako ako k nemu prislúchajúce zmeny loga a image kapely.Album je
rôznorodé , pretože predstavuje každého člena kapely vo svojej
individuálnej podstate a vyjadruje určité veci z každého z nás. To
všetko je už za nami a další oheň sa rozhorieva pod mŕtvolou na
ďalekom juhu…
मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान je pre
mňa to najkomplexnejšie a najhlbšie dielo z celej mojej doterajšej tvorby.
Je to pocta bohyni Kali, Aghorom, pohrebným obradom v Indii a v blizkom
okolí. Pristup týchto ľudi k určitým veciam v živote a náboženstvu
samotnému je fascinujúci. Pri skladaní albumu som neustále premýšľal,
sníval, meditoval, uvádzal sa takmer do tranzu, pozeral dokumenty, čital
knihy,stretával sa s ľuďmi, ktorí navštívili túto krajinu,študoval,
počúval mantry a snažil sa duchovne preniknúť do tohto náboženstva. Moje
myšlienkové a duchovné výjavy umocňované atmosférou silného ópia,
rôznych iných druhov vôní, chutí a obklopením sa smrťou a hinduistickými
relikviami, mi dovolili vstúpiť a nasať túto atmosféru a tvoriť pritom
hudbu a celkový koncept tohto diela, ktorý sa bude týkať aj inovácií loga
a imidžu kapely.
Veľká vďaka patrí Davidovi Glombovi za duchovné zobrazenie grafiky tohto
diela a loga, Janovi Pavlasovi za skvelé texty a भैरव za preklady a
konzultácie ohľadom hinduizmu…
Cult Of Fire už nebude poskytovať žiadne rozhovory, lebo týmto
prehlásením bolo povedané všetko.
Infernalvlad a Cult Of Fire.